Finding and sharing information – Julia


Julia would have liked to know about resources earlier; she asked her surgeon if she could bring him some material to distribute.


And then I found about Willow support group. I don’t know if they’re in Quebec but they’re wonderful.

I’ve been to some workshops with them, they have a lot of resources and their staff, or their volunteers are all breast cancer survivors so you can phone them up and say “This is what I’m going through” and they’re right there and they’ll put you on the phone. If you say “Well I have triple negative” they’ll find you a volunteer who’s been through triple negative to talk with you and if you have whatever. So they’re and they have a lot of materials and a lot of support but I didn’t know about them until quite a bit later.

I actually went to my surgeon and I said “You know, it would have been really helpful, would it be all right with you if I get some stuff from Willow and give it to you so you could at least give people the phone number, then they could have that” and she said “Oh absolutely”. So no, that was a good resource that would have been nice to know about earlier.

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